Are you convinced that nothing can separate you from God's love in Christ?

When the apostle Paul wrote the letter to the Romans he had been through many trials because of his commitment to Christ. He had been rejected by friends, attacked by religious leaders, persecuted by the authorities, and jailed in solitary confinement. Yet throughout those experiences, he was persuaded that nothing in all creation could separate him from the “love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord”.
We live in a time of uncertainty and change as ‘normal’ life is disrupted and many of our previous freedoms are curtailed. Many people are suffering the effects of ill-health, financial hardship and the absence of human connection. In the midst of these trials we should consider Paul’s words and seek the overwhelming love which is found in Jesus. When all is shaken, He remains faithful and true. That is why Paul said, “I am convinced, that neither death, nor life, nor angels, nor principalities, nor powers, nor things present, nor things to come, (nor coronavirus, nor financial hardship) nor height, nor depth, nor any other creature, shall be able to separate us from the love of God, which is in Christ Jesus our Lord” (Romans 8:38-39).
That doesn’t mean we trivialise the challenges that are faced, but in the midst of them we recognise and stay connected to God’s love. A love which empowers us to face whatever comes, a love which knows there is a hope in Him, and a love which keeps us steady in the storm. We are to remain convinced that nothing can separate us from His love, and that all things will work out for good, if we love Him (Romans 8:28). The love we need is found IN Christ; in His presence, in His company, in His Kingdom.
Nothing is strong enough to disconnect a believer from God’s love which is found in Jesus. We are to be people of that conviction. Knowing that we have a God who wants to walk us through every moment. A God who is acquainted with the human experience and who knows how to navigate life’s challenges. Jesus promised never to leave us or forsake us, and we can be convinced of that promise today. It’s not just a promise to know in our heads but, as we’re convinced, we release faith into the promise being our reality. A promise that allows us to experience a tangible love while sensing a closeness of Jesus through the Comforter. He truly is the Emmanuel; God with us.
Are you convinced today, just like Paul proclaimed? Are you convinced that nothing in this world has enough power to disconnect you from the love of God? I am convinced! God’s love is greater than we may ever understand. It can reach us in every situation, and it can fill us in every moment. Regardless of what you are facing today, be convinced that God’s love can be yours; that reassuring, awesome, powerful, agape love found IN Christ!
© 2021 NorthSaint: Darren Roy