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Do you want to truly know God? Do you want to hear His voice and be led by the Holy Spirit?
This is a reality available to the saints and it's the gift of eternal life.
The ministry of The Priceless Privilege is here to share the keys so you can enjoy a fulfilling walk with God.
This includes living in God's presence, following His lead, and growing spiritually to be a mature son or daughter.
Coming soon: online e-ACADEMY - learn to grow in life and ministry

Andrew from Scotland
" Everything is built on Jesus Christ, our first love. All of the sessions opened my eyes and understanding. I was so thankful to be part of these courses."

Zoe from England
" I enjoyed the course and discovered a creative part of me which I never knew I had. I have learned so much about myself and my personal journey with God."

Zoltan from Hungary
" They teach you how to rely on God, hear His voice, and be led by the Spirit. It's probably one of the best ministry schools - It is anointed! "
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